Lewis Walker, CFP | Wealth Advisor | Capital Insight Group

Lewis Walker CFP®

Wealth Advisor


Lewis Walker is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and has been in independent practice as a financial planner and investment adviser since 1976. Recognized as a pioneer in his profession, Lewis achieved his CFP designation in the third class to graduate from The College for Financial Planning in Denver, Colorado, in 1975.

In January, 2016, Lewis merged his firm, Walker Capital Management, LLC, with the Keen Insight Group to form Capital Insight Group.  Capital Insight Group works with clients and client families to tailor a comprehensive financial and life transitions plan designed to get one to the next stage of their life and beyond.

Educational credits include an undergraduate degree from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, Washington, D.C., and a M.B.A. from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. In 2017 the Exit Planning Institute granted Lewis the Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) designation underpinning Lewis’ work with closely-held business owners in matters of growth, continuity, and succession planning with emphasis on enterprise value acceleration.

A recognized speaker, Mr. Walker has appeared on numerous local and nationally aired news shows and financial management programs. Lewis has conducted seminars and workshops on a myriad of financial and investment topics around the U.S. and abroad, for colleges and universities, professional associations, convention groups, and corporations. Numerous articles authored by Lewis have appeared in a number of magazines, including the JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL PLANNING. His weekly column, The Investment Coach™, is featured in Atlanta’s THE DUNWOODY CRIER newspaper.

Lewis served as national president of the Institute for Certified Investment Management Consultants (ICIMC) from 1998-1999. As chairman, 1999-2000, Lewis facilitated the merger of the ICIMC into the Investment Management Consultants Association (IMCA).

From 1986-1988, Lewis served as national president and chairman of the Institute of Certified Financial Planners (ICFP), headquartered in Denver, CO. In January 2000, the ICFP joined with the International Association of Financial Planners (IAFP) to form the Financial Planning Association (FPA). 

In 2011, Lewis was the winner of the P. Kemp Fain, Jr. Award, the highest award conferred by the Financial Planning Association (FPA).  Honored at the 2011 FPA convention in San Diego, California, the award recognizes an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the financial planning profession.  The award is presented annually to one member of the FPA.

Lewis currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Board for SFA Holdings, Inc., which in turn owns The Strategic Financial Alliance (SFA), an independent broker/dealer and Registered Investment Advisor headquartered in Atlanta, GA. SFA serves independent financial advisers across the United States.

Lewis and his wife, Helen, live in Johns Creek, GA. They have two grown children and four grandchildren. His hobby is photography and travel. Lewis has traveled to all seven continents, including Antarctica.